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He has a thing for his much younger sister. Story Actively Being Updated as of May 2022 Language: English Words: 35,593 Chapters: 8/? Comments: 13 Kudos: 384 Bookmarks: 76 Hits: 29607 On second thought, this story isn’t really for anyone, it is just some really REALLY FUCKED UP SMUT. This is a very dark smut not for the easily offended, or even those who care for a story to have any kind of morals. A chance to satiate his twisted sexual fantasies. All the innocent young witches to prey on. Knoby is a perverted old house elf who wormed his way into Hogwarts for one reason and one reason only. Language: English Words: 48,664 Chapters: 15/? Comments: 71 Kudos: 1461 Bookmarks: 333 Hits: 248904īobbyr44 Fandoms: Harry Potter - J.

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